Making phone calls in Czech can seem tough: How to answer the phone, how to ask for others, how to say goodbye? We will learn some of the useful phrases today in the beginner 5-minute Czech!
5-minute Czech beginner
Firstly, do you know how to share your phone number with others?
Sharing your phone number can start with this question (What's your phone number?):
formal: „Jaký máte telefon?“
informal: „Jaký máš telefon?“
To answer, you will need to knowCzech numbers, at least from 0 to 9:
The phone number to our office is (+420) 734 151 969.Therefore our manager Karolína could share it like this:
„Můj mobil je plus čtyři dva nula – sedm tři čtyři – jedna pět jedna – devět šest devět.”
Let’s move on to some phrases! Firstly, how to introduce yourself?
formal: „Dobrý den, tady Jan Novák.“ Good morning/afternoon, this is Jan Novák.
informal: „Ahoj, tady Honza.“ Hi, it’s Honza.
Secondly, if you need to ask for someone:
„Je to paní Nováková / pan Novák?“ Is that Ms Nováková / Mr Novák?
„Můžu prosím mluvit s ….?“ Could I please speak to…?
Thirdly, how to deal with technical issues?
formal: „Můžete, prosím, mluvit trochu hlasitěji?“ / „Můžete to zopakovat?“ / „Neslyším.“ Could you please speak louder? / Can you repeat that? / I can't hear you.
informal: „Můžeš, prosím, mluvit trochu hlasitěji?“ / „Můžete to zopakovat?“ / „Neslyším.“ Could you please speak louder? / Can you repeat that? / I can't hear you.
Maybe you will need some of these various phrases:
„Máte chvilku?“ / „Máš chvilku?“ Is this a good time?
„Zavolám později.“ I will call back later.
„Omlouvám se, mám špatné číslo.“I’m sorry, I must have the wrong number.
Finally, how to say “goodbye” on the phone?
formal: „Děkuji moc za pomoc, na shledanou!“ Thank you very much for your help, goodbye!
informal: „Měj se krásně, ahoj!“ Have a nice day, bye!
You have made your first step to learn how to handle phone calls in Czech! Congratulations!